Terms & Condititons

1.0 Explanation

1.1 The Purchaser is the person, corporation, company, organisation, or individual who enters into the Contract.

1.3 The Contract refers to the agreement between the Supplier and the Purchaser for the sale of listing and/or advertising services, press releases, or other online services, collectively referred to as “Services,” of which these terms and conditions are a part. The Contract supersedes any written and/or oral statements and representations, unless provisions included or excluded herein are included or excluded are specifically varied by the Supplier in writing.

2.0 Acceptance of Services

2.1 The Purchaser by placing an order for the Service confirms their acceptance of the Contract and agrees to be bound by the Contract. Furthermore, regarding Press Releases the Purchaser accepts that the Editor’s decision is final and the Supplier reserves the right to distribute Press Releases as they see fit.

2.2 Upon receipt of payment and information the Service will be made live.

2.3 The Supplier reserves the right to cease, suspend or remove Services from view, if at such time there is a dispute or delay over an agreed payment.

2.4 The Supplier reserves the right to suspend or remove Standard or Premium listings if they are not suitable or the purchaser is deemed to act in an unprofessional manner. The Editor’s decision is final.

3.0 Policy on Prices, Payments, and Refunds

3.1 All prices quoted by the Supplier are exclusive of any applicable VAT/TVA and/or taxes.

3.2 All pricing will be checked on a regular basis, and any increases will be announced on this page.

3.4 Under EU law, you have the right to cancel your order within 7 days.

To cancel please email manal@NorwayFreight.net quoting your membership number and we shall make a refund within 30 days.

If you are outside the EU there is no legal obligation for us to make any refund. However, if there is an issue you are not satisfied with then please email manal@norwayfreight.net

You also have any rights given to you by your credit card provider if you have paid by credit card.

4.0 Copyright

4.1 The Supplier reserves copyright on all materials and designs and forbids the Purchaser to pass such materials and designs to a third party or associated business without first seeking the Suppliers permission and agreement.

4.2 Any third party copyright materials used by the Supplier on behalf of the Purchaser cannot be used by the Purchaser without first seeking the third parties permission or agreement.

4.3 If the Purchaser supplies the Supplier with text, photography, artwork, animation, brochures, information or material of any kind, the Supplier will not at any time be responsible whatsoever in regard to copyright, errors or omissions, faults or subsequent damages. This also includes that supplied by software, discs or electronic transfers if supplied by the Purchaser to the Supplier for publishing to the Internet.

4.4 The Purchaser must indemnify the Supplier against third parties suffering subsequent faults and damages caused to hardware, software programs, or such damages as loss of production and earnings, due to materials supplied by the Purchaser for use by the Supplier.

4.5 The Supplier will not be held responsible for establishing ‘Rights of Usage’ on any materials supplied by the Purchaser.

5.0 Confidentiality

5.1 The Supplier will use every endeavour to maintain confidentiality on information so received.

6.0 General

6.1 Failure or delay by the Supplier in enforcing any term of the Contract shall not be construed as a waiver of any of its rights under it.

6.2 The illegality, invalidity or unenforceability of any part of this Contract will not affect the legality, validity or enforceability of the remainder.

6.3 This Contract shall be construed in all aspects as a Contract and in conformity with European & Egyptian Law.

Privacy Policy

Norway Freight is dedicated to preserving your privacy and developing technology that provides you with the most powerful and secure online experience possible. You can browse the majority of our site without providing us with any personal information. However, we do require information from time to time in order to offer services that you have requested, and this privacy policy outlines data collection and use in those cases.

Collecting non Personal Information

Norway Freight collects data about your activities that does not personally or directly identify you when you visit our website, the website of entities for which we serve advertisements (our “Advertisers”), or the websites and online services where we display advertisements (“Publishers”). This information may include the content you view, the date and time that you view this content, the products you purchase, or your location information associated with your IP address. We use the information we collect to serve you more relevant advertisements (referred to as “Retargeting”).

Collecting your Personal Information

We will ask you when we need information that personally identifies you (personal information) or allows us to contact you.

Personal information collected by NorwayFreight often is limited to e-mail address, language, country or location, but may include other information when needed to provide a service you requested.

Use of your Personal Information

We use your personal information for five primary purposes:

  • To make the site easier for you to use by not making you enter your personal information more than once.
  • To help you quickly find services or information on NorwayFreight.
  • To assist in the assignment of a personal representative to aid you in your dealings with NorwayFreight.
  • To help us create and deliver content most relevant to you.
  • To alert you to special offers, updated information and other new services from NorwayFreight.

NorwayFreight will disclose your personal information, without notice, only if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to:

Conform to the edicts of the law or comply with legal process served on NorwayFreight or the site.

Protect and defend the rights or property of NorwayFreight and its family of Web sites, and, act in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of NorwayFreight, its Web sites, or the public.

Use of Cookies

Cookies are very small text files that are stored on your computer when you visit some websites.

We use cookies to help identify your computer so we can tailor your user experience, track shopping basket contents and remember where you are in the order process.

You can disable any cookies already stored on your computer, but these may stop our website from functioning properly.

The following is strictly necessary in the operation of our website.

This Website Will:

  • Remember what is in your shopping basket
  • Remember where you are in the order process
  • Remember that you are logged in and that your session is secure. You need to be logged in to complete an order.

The following are not Strictly Necessary, but are required to provide you with the best user experience and also to tell us which pages you find most interesting (anonymously).

Functional Cookies

This Website Will:

  • Track the pages you visits via Google Analytics